Yes we develop and write Operations and Training Manuals.
The corner stone of any successful multi unit business, is a set of operational & procedure manuals. To a large extent the quality and commitment of the organisation can be judged, and the potential for success of a system is determined, by the quality and comprehensiveness of the manuals.
They are the most critical forms of documentation that can improve the consistency of underperforming staff and assist in maintaining uniformity across the whole network from senior management to the newest trainee.
In order to help Franchisees and Staff understand why they should be operating it the way the Head Office is suggesting and / or demanding, we adopt a specific structure within our manuals. This is made up of three key areas:
- Background
- Procedural Guidelines
- Standard Requirements
BDA can also develop other speciality manuals like:
- Local Area Marketing
- Technical Manuals
- HR Manuals
- POS System Operating Manuals
- Food Safety
- Accreditation Requirements/ Procedures
It depends on the size of the organisation, the complexity of the system and the emphasis that the Head Office Leadership Team requires of the Franchisee and Staff on the specific topic to maintain critical standards that determines the type of manuals required.
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